These are the photos from Album 2–Kashmir Ladakh and Punjab 1912-1920. Click to download. 1 Ralph R Stewart album cover and note Size: 2.3M 10 1913 Lahuli costumes, note earrings, wife of Thakur Amir Chand by Ralph R Stewart Size: 1.1M …Continue reading →
These are the photos from Album 1–Kashmir and Ladakh 1912-1913. Click to download. 1 1913 Old Ladakhi with prayer wheel by Henri R Ferger Size: 2.3M 10 1913 Valley of Glaciers with lateral moraine by Henry R Ferger Size: 3.3M …Continue reading →
These are the photos from 1912-1931 Ralph R. Stewart Albums–Kashmir Ladakh Pakistan. Click to download. 0 Biographical Sketch of Ralph R Stewart Size: 5.8M 1913 Album 1 index–Ralph R Stewart and Henri R Ferger in Ladakh photo album No 1 …Continue reading →
These are the Other Photos. Click to download. 1912 Gordon College staff and 86 students, Rawalpindi Size: 2.0M 1912 Muslim Pilgrims from Yarkand in Leh Ladakh Size: 2.3M 1913 Bridge over Indus on Kashmir – Ladakh Road by Ralph R Stewart …Continue reading →
These are the Tibet and China–Pre-1899 Maps. Click to download. 1609 Tartaria by Hondius Size: 2.1M 1696 Indiae orientalis nec non insularum adiacentium nova descriptio by Allard Size: 1.5M 1709 Sixth Sheet of Chinese Tartary from du Halde Atlas Size: 3.0M …Continue reading →
These are the Tibet and China–After 1900 Maps. Click to download. 1900 Kumaon and Tibet by Strachey from RGS Size: 3.1M 1900 Tibet and Sin-Chiang by Deasy Size: 3.5M 1902 Chokhang Size: 484K 1902 Jong or Fort of Shigatse by Das …Continue reading →
These are the Survey of India Report Maps. Click to download. 1945 Survey of India Map Catalogue–provisional edition s Size: 19M 1847 Plan of Base Line in Dehra Dun by Everest Size: 1.3M 1847 Plan of Great Arc between Seronj and Beder …Continue reading →
These are the Mountain Maps. Click to download. 1934 Beilagen-Mappe zu Baltoro by GO Dyhrenfurth Size: 9.9M 1952 Sketch Map of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Massifs by 1950 French Expedition Size: 1.7M 1987 Indian Himalaya Maps–Sheet 1–Jammu and Kashmir (Kashmir Valley) by Baume Size: 6.4M …Continue reading →
A collection of books and articles related generally to the Indian Subcontinent. 1668 Travels in the Mogul Empire 1656-1668 by Bernier s Size: 16M 1773 Narrative of the Mutiny of the Officers of Army in Bengal by H Strachey s Size: 8.9M …Continue reading →
1822 William Moorcroft Journal–Leaving Ladakh for Kashmir transcript by Jantzen and Bouquet s 1990 Princess in the Land of Snows–life of Jamyang Sakya by Sakya s 2003 Searching for Shangri-la–an Alternative Philosophy Travelogue by Brahm s 2010 Political and …Continue reading →
Of all the 19th-century Himalayan travellers, no one left as immense a volume of informative material as William Moorcroft. Moorcroft, a surgeon, the first Englishman to qualify as a professional veterinarian, and Superintendent of the Hon’ble East India Company’s military …Continue reading →
Users of the MCADD website, and others researching topics within the MCADD area, are invited to post notices of research in progress or references to newly published research. They may correspond with the editor at in this regard. To …Continue reading →
A collection of books and articles related generally to Tibet and China. Click to download 1736 General History of China Vol 1 by Du Halde s Size: 30M 1736 General History of China Vol 2 by Du Halde s Size: 28M 1737 …Continue reading →
A collection of books and articles related generally to the Himalaya and Karakoram mountain ranges. 1818 On Height of the Himalaya Mountains by Colebrooke from ARv12 s Size: 1.9M 1820 Sur l Elevation des Montagnes de l Inde par Humboldt–Passage of …Continue reading →