New File Lists: We’re changing the way we list new documents added each month. Now we will post a new list each month, and retain each of these monthly lists for an entire year. This should assist readers in keeping track of which months they have already reviewed, and which new lists they need to check.

Previously the “What’s New” list consisted primarily of books. Now we will aim to post all new files, be they books, journals, maps or old photos.


What’s New — 21 Comments

  1. A fantastic collection of Books, articles & photographs… keep up the good work and hope to see this grow everyday. All the best.
    here are some book requests…
    1) Everest : A Mountaineering History by Walt Unsworth
    2) That Untraveled World – an Autobiography by Eric Shipton
    3) The Last Hero: Bill Tilman : A Biography of the Explorer by Tim Madge
    4) The Hard Years: by Joe Brown
    5) The Mountains of My Life by Walter Bonatti (Author), Robert Marshall (Translator)
    6) In High Places by Dougal Haston
    7) Geoffrey Winthrop Young by Alan Hankinson
    8) A Portrait of Leni Riefenstahl by Audrey Salkeld
    9) I Chose To Climb by Chris Bonington
    1) Higher Ground by Martin Moran

    • Someone interested to find a particular book listed in “What’s New” can use the “search” function to search for an uncommon word in the book’s filename. In most cases a search for the author’s last name will bring up a short list of books, from which the particular book of interest can be selected. Ed.

  2. Your collections and Database is amazing for researcher on Himalayans regions and Central Asia. keep it up the good work!!!

  3. The newly (August update) added Nepal Topo maps cannot be downloaded, as all shown as zero file size. Could you please check this? Thank you!

  4. This is an extremely helpful website for any researcher who requires primary documents and official publications of the Survey of India. Even the Dehradun SOI Library do not have these sources digitized, and getting a map photocopied, is often difficult.

    • Now that these and other SOI materials are available digitally, we need for someone to write the history of the Survey of India, taking up where R.H. Phillimore left off with his volume V, and completing the history from 1861 to 1947. Who could do this job??

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